You can make donations and sponsorship payments (or other contributions) to the Aorangi Restoration Trust in several ways.
Preferred Payment Options
Direct Credit/ Deposit
Use your Internet Banking facility or friendly local bank tellers to transfer funds electronically (via EFT) and securely from your bank account to our bank account number at ANZ Bank New Zealand Ltd:
01 0671 0044290 00
Please ensure that you also include your surname or other unique identifying reference so that we can clearly associate the payment with you.
Additionally, please provide your details using the form below so that we can send you a tax receipt and any other pertinent documentation afterwards.
By Cheque
Please make your cheques payable to: "Aorangi Restoration Trust" and send it to our postal address below. Please also fill out the form below with your details.
Aorangi Restoration Trust
PO Box 43
Martinborough 5741
New Zealand